
Yafour ChangeLog

version 0.9.9
    yafour.py: prevent kamikaze move when computer thinks it is
    when draw: end game when all places are occupied
version 0.9.8
    yafour.py: for first 6 moves, use number of moves for maxdepth
version 0.9.7
    ninarow(): fixed bug: maxdepth must be .le. number of
      plies left
    yafour.py: Set start depth for level high to 10
version 0.9.6
    finalevaluation(): change sign of depth in score
version 0.9.5
    yafour.py: simplify code to erase text.
       This seems to get rid of slowing down performance after a couple
       of plays ;-)
    yafour.py: do_reset(): use timer to speed up or slow down resetting
       the board.
    add MANIFEST.in to include ChangeLog
version 0.9.4
    correct bug in negamax(): now yafour will take shortest
    path to win, and longest to lose
version 0.9.3
    set speed for drwaing texts as fast as possible
version 0.9.2
    setup.py: some cleanup, sources in src/
version 0.9.1
    initial version